« ARTSAT2: DESPATCH (9) Predict information utility Revised again | トップページ | ARTSAT2: DESPATCH (10) Predict information utility Revised for the extension of data range »

2014年12月13日 (土)

ARTSAT2: DESPATCH (9) Predict information utility Revised again in English

The DESPATCH spacecraft is still alive over 2,000,000km far away from the earth. But now, you will see the "ERROR" on the utilities I have provided before. I revised the "DESPATCHtrack" and the "ShinEn2track" according to the revision of the API data. The range for the prediction date and time are:
DESPATCHtrack: 2014/12/03 06:20:12 UTC - 2014/12/23 06:20:00 UTC
ShinEn2track: 2014/12/03 06:20:12 UTC - 2014/12/20 06:22:00 UTC

You can get the DESAPTCHtrack20141213 from here,
and the ShinEn2track20141213 from here.


« ARTSAT2: DESPATCH (9) Predict information utility Revised again | トップページ | ARTSAT2: DESPATCH (10) Predict information utility Revised for the extension of data range »

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« ARTSAT2: DESPATCH (9) Predict information utility Revised again | トップページ | ARTSAT2: DESPATCH (10) Predict information utility Revised for the extension of data range »